This page contains links to various websites Dr. Wellborn has found helpful, informative, enjoyable or just interesting. [I haven’t finished transferring the links from my computer to the website so some categories are incomplete or empty until I cycle around to them.] There is also a Teen Links page listing websites specifically for teens. Not all of them are provided on this page so you might want to check them out too.
(Remember, this list is not comprehensive and the presence of sites on this list does not constitute endorsement for or support of any of the information provided on these sites.)
Updated: 5/17/21
Advertising and marketing to kids
Aggression and Violence Issues
Alcohol and Drug Use-Anti-legalization
Alcohol and Drug Use-Treatment info
Alcohol and Drug Use-Home Testing
Alternative and Holistic Treatment
Autism spectrum disorders (including Asperger’s syndrome)
Boys and Boy Issues-Manhood and Masculinity
Bullying, Harassment and Hazing
Career and world of work (technical training) sites
Charities and volunteering sites
College Prep, College Search and Applications
Dating and Relationships – General
Dating and Relationships: Dating violence
Disasters (natural and otherwise)
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning
Girls and Girl Issues-Womanhood and Femininity
Green, Environment, Pinko Liberal Stuff
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning
Media and its effects on teens
Music Venues for Teens in Nashville
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder stuff
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Psychology stuff-web personality tests
Social Networking Sites (e.g., Facebook) issues
Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorder Stuff
While treating headaches is not my specialty, there are some conditions that are worth knowing about (meaning I have run across these and they are sufficiently unusual for people to think it is psychological rather than medical). Just throwing this in here in case you may be experiencing this and haven’t realized it.
24/7 headaches that continue for days and weeks at a time. People can think you are faking it. Difficult to identify, tricky to try to interrupt the pattern, important to know if that is what you are dealing with.
Here is a link to a broader discussion of a whole range of headaches.
And here is the link to the American Headache Society Lots of reliable and reputable info here.
Guess who your kid’s hero is?
Here’s the place. Really excellent.
Who needs a therapist when you have lines from movies and a whole selection of stereotypes to draw on?
Here is a good site about parenting teens about internet issues
This is a site by the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police to provide some info about internet safety
This is a specific page from an excellent site on social network media (e.g., Facebook) on how to remove unwanted information (or pictures) from the internet. It is best to go on and pay a internet expert if you have this level of concern.
(There is also a Social Network section below.)
Here is a good way to block unwanted material from coming through on all your devices:
And here is one for your mobile devices
Here is a review in PC magazine of software to control and monitor your kids access to the internet. Just search again if this reference is dated. This publication is great for this kind of information and ongoing reviews of these products.
FML: Your everyday life stories
YouthRules! – What Jobs Can Youth Do?
6 Dream Jobs That Would Actually Suck |
I hope you are looking at this section out of curiosity or because you happen to be one of those over anxious parents trying to cover all bases. If your kid has been abducted, call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 800-843-3052. Call your local police immediately.
Go to this website to know what to do first.
If you are looking for info on how to minimize the likelihood of this happening, try this site
DailyGood: Leadership Lessons from a Dancing Guy
Mind – Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits – – A Parent’s Guide to Helping Kids With Learning Difficulties
STEP : Support and Training for Exceptional Parents : Home Page
Shmoop: Study Guides, Teacher Resources
gladwell dot com – the effects of good teachers
Ode Magazine : Your brain is a rain forest
Technical Assistance ALLIANCE for Parent Centers National Center (ALLIANCE)
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills – Home
This is the site these days for exceptional tutoring in every hard subject. Just look at this and you’ll be convinced. You no longer have to figure out how to algebra (or theoretical physics, for that matter) to help your kid.
Learning Difficulties and Challenges
These folks have a wealth of information and resources in one place. Look around on the site if you have a special needs kid.
Does your kid qualify for special education services? Here are the official criteria for the Metro Nashville Public Schools
Here is a site that is devoted to ways to insure kids will graduate from high school
Philosophical reasoning taught in the second grade. –
TED | Talks | Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight (video)
Brain Fitness and Cognitive Health Authority: Market Research and Advisory Services | SharpBrains
It Figures – Figures of Speech
5 Things TV Writers Apparently Believe About Smart People |
Why thinking in the shower may be an ideal model for “creative pause” ~ Authentic Boredom
Beware of Reactionary Workflow :: Tips :: The 99 Percent
YouTube – Stop and Hear the Music
‘The Compass Of Pleasure’: Why Some Things Feel So Good : NPR
Marching Band and Sports on Level Playing Field
Marching Bands Experience Physical Challenges – Health News – redOrbit
Marching in the Band as Tough as Playing Sports – Fitness –
Center on media and child health
Parents or pop culture? Children’s heroes and role models. – Free Online Library
6 Studies That Prove Reality TV Is Causing the Apocalypse |
6 Shocking Ways TV Rewires Your Brain |
WebMD: Better Information. Better Health. – Health Information for the Whole Family — Health Information for Girls!
KidsHealth – the Web’s most visited site about children’s health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Prescription Drugs – Information, Interactions & Side Effects
Childhood and teen cancer
Re-Mission: a game for young people with cancer
If you think you are getting better . . .
Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why.
mental illness, mental health information center
NIMH: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Home Page
Psych Central . Trusted information in mental health and psychology
Nine Money Books for Children – Blog
OK, this is an article on how just holding money has an effect on you.
127771.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Talking money with teens | Marketplace From American Public Media
Marketplace | Financial Futures
Living Wage Calculator – Living Wage Calculation for Williamson County, Tennessee
ThreeJars – Allowance Made Easy
Kids these days don’t know as much about money as they need to know
Want to teach your kid about money management? This site has sections designed for elementary school kids, high school kids and young adults. Excellent.
This is the guy on motivating kids regarding school
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 | “Stork” reaching your potential
National Survey of Student Engagement
Movie Ratings & Reviews For Children and Family Movies – Common Sense Media
Music Venues for Teens in Nashville
Mercy Lounge / Cannery Ballroom
This is a government site that gives a lot of information from sources across the government agencies.
And this is from the USDA
Or, if your kid wants to be a vegetarian
This site is for the thinking teen who wants to know about nutrition
Lots of info here (it is a website for teenage girls but the information is really good for guys too)
And, finally, an excellent site about nutrition for athletes
This is a good site for resources and materials dealing with OCD
Relief from OCD: A Guide for People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
This is the premier site for OCD: The This is the teen page
Help for Teens and Young Adults with OCD
An Obsessive Compulsive’s ‘Life In Rewind’ : NPR
Here is a new site that has some good resources (and here is the page for parents)
OK, do NOT look at this if you have contamination OCD issues!
6 Items You Touch Everyday That Are Filthier Than a Toilet |
This online program looks promising for helping your child with their OCD
I love this. It is an essay on not having the perfect child
Child and Family WebGuide: Parent Info on Child Development Research
CPYU || The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding – Home
Parents handbook3.pdf (application/pdf Object) Parenting of Adolescents: Most Popular Articles
Talking With Kids About Tough Issues: Ten Free Tips For Improving Communications With Your Children
About Focus Adolescent Services
TheSourceSpring09.pdf (application/pdf Object)
YouTube – The Daughter Song (Tom Wilson Stand-up Comedy)
Parenting Advice, Activities for Children, Family Games & Recipes –
YouTube – Still Face Experiment: Dr. Edward Tronick
Resources | Start Strong parenting and teen dating
Discipline for Teens and Preteens
Parenting From the Kid’s Perspective–Radical Parenting
Parenting Guides |
Want to get your kids into college? Let them play –
Here is a parenting blog that has had some interesting things to say
See, it was all worth it
Great resource for parents of older teens about what to expect and how to help
Parenting Over the Edge
This is a section I hope you will never need. What do you do when all you have tried still doesn’t work. There isn’t much available for parents whose child hasn’t/doesn’t/won’t respond to all you try to do to raise them well. Read with caution. If this is for you, you will know it. Make sure you check with someone who know what they are talking about before you decide this is your kid.
Giving up on your kid: It’s so hard to do.
But sometimes, it’s just a mismatch of styles
This is an excellent TEDx talk on the effects of pornography on teen brain development (and hence, on their sexual development)
Here’s that guy’s website that provides scientific information on the effects of porn on users.
Enough is Enough: Protecting our Children Online
Your kids are faced with the presentation of sexual intimacy almost exclusively in the form of pornography. It has devastating consequences for their ability to enjoy satisfying sexual intimacy. This link is to a talk by a very accomplished woman who has something to say about the need to educate our kids about what sexual intimacy. This link is to a 4 minute talk in which she starkly and explicitly presents the problem. Even if you don’t agree with her own liberal views about sex you should listen to her message that someone other than pornographers should be talking to your kid about sex. This talk has some vulgar, obscene references but they are in the service of talking about the issue.
And this is a TED talk by a female porn producer who talks about why porn is a problem in shaping our kids (and everyone’s) view of pornography. Even if you disagree with her on the need to have sex positive and realistic porn, she is right on target about the problem with the fact that our kids are getting their sex education from porn. “The sex can stay dirty but the values have to be clean.” You need to watch this if you are raising a teenager.
Count Your Blessings – Health and Happiness – TIME
Home – GivesMeHope – Like FML, but for optimists!
MyLifeIsAverage – Life Is Normal Today
GRATEFULNESS.ORG – A Network for Grateful Living
Gratitude Challenge: Sharing Our Inspiration Journal
Optimism is not for the faint of heart (or the untrained professional)
Watch Motivational Speaker Board Break Fail Video |
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is not something that you can help your kid resolve on your own. Look over these resources so that you can see if you think your kid has been traumatized by something that has happened to them or they have observed. Then go get a mental health professional trained in helping kids who have been traumatized.
Here is a description of child traumatic stress.
Here is info from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America website link for child and teens with traumatic (or other forms of) anxiety. Look around on this page. Lots of valid and useful information.
If YOU have PTSD, here is a book you should consider getting for your teenager so they can have some idea what is going on.
Polling Data | The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
If they are going to keep the child, it can’t be all pain and recrimination
Too much too young: five teenage couples speak out | Life and style | The Observer
This has some segments on teen pregnancy, all the dimensions
9INE: A realistic look at teen pregnancy
Are You a Risk Taker? | Psychology Today
LASSI – Learning and Study Strategies Inventory
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire
Psychological Tests Online, Online Psychological Tests – HealthyPlace
Get Info | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
This site, Action Quest, has some structured, camp like adventures for teens that are more exotic than the usual fare.
And don’t forget about NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) and Outward Bound as adventure camps.
Are You a Risk Taker? | Psychology Today
Dept. of Science: Don’t!: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
The Marshmallow Test | WorshipHouse Media
The Good Behavior game and academic success
This is the one to start with. Local psychologist David Yarian has gathered an impressive library of self-help for a wide range of issues. Online Self Help Programs for Depression, Eating Disorders, Stress, and Mental Health
SelfhelpMagazine | Your Trusted Source for Self-help and Psychology Since November 1, 1994
Sexuality and Relationship info you can trust from Planned Parenthood® —
Baby Cost Calculator | Tools | BabyCenter
Scarleteen | Sex Education For The Real World
Be sure to go to the Pornography section above. You need to know things about it because it is the main source of sex education for our kids.
Stop It Now! is a great site for families where a child has been sexually abused (and how to reduce the likelihood of it happening). Lots of info on healthy sexual development, warning signs in your child (or a potentially abusive adult).
Sexual Harassment (See Bullying, Harassment and Hazing section)
Guttmacher Institute collects stats on sexual and reproductive health. This is on teens
Virginity-and-The-First-Time-Summary-of-Findings.pdf (application/pdf Object)
FS: The Truth About Adolescent Sexuality
Sexual Knowledge, Values, and Behavior Patterns of Adolescents
Quick Stats on Female Adolescents.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Quick stats on Male adolescents
Teen Sexual Behavior Quick Facts | CitizenLink
Middle school youth as young as 12 engaging in risky sexual activity
But, it isn’t as many as you think. Careful with statistics
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Planned Parenthood, Take Care Down There
HIFY: Health Initiatives for Youth
Caring for Your Introvert – Magazine – The Atlantic
Introverts: strength in (a lack of) numbers | Blog | Ode Magazine
Sibs with Disabilities
Healthy Sleep from the National Institutes of Health and the National Heart Blood and Lung Institute
Here is more technical information about what goes on during sleep
healthy_sleep.pdf Guide to healthy sleep
World’s Biggest, Most Annoying Alarm Clock Video
CoolPeopleCare | Saving the World, Five Minutes at a Time | Information, Inspiration & Local Events
How do I make a difference? — Social Edge
Be the Change. | HandsOn Network
Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters | Journal of the mental environment
Columns | Never Get A “Real” Job
Welcome to the Giraffe Heroes Project
Social Networking Sites (e.g., Facebook) issues
This is a GREAT site. Comprehensive, informative and continually updated. This is the place to go for information for parents about social media and networking sites.
Here is another good site that also has excellent information.
This has some useful ways of thinking about the range of social skills deficits kids can exhibit
This is a great site on a program for having coaches be more conscious of the messages they send to your boys.
Creating a Community of Respect | Coaching Boys Into Men
Athletes vs non athletes 8 years after graduation
YouTube – Tom Wilson – Little League (Stand-up comedy)
Sports_HandyGuide.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Josephson Institute Center for Sports Ethics: Youth Athletes Sportsmanship Survey
Gavin DeBecker is THE expert on identifying and dealing with people who are a threat to others. (His company consults with the rich, famous and powerful.) He has created a website that allows you to use his assessment program for everyday people to determine the potential threat someone in your life may pose to you. You sign up, answer the questions about the person and a summary report is provided on the level of threat presented by the person you are dealing with. If you have any concerns whatsoever about someone in your child’s (or your) life, start here. Get the facts. It is an invaluable resource for free. There is nothing better.
Then there are also these resources
Your kid may find themselves a victim of online revenge porn sites. Here is an article by a woman who went to war with one when they tried to smear her daughter.
This is one of the premier sources of statistics on teens and risk behavior, including alcohol and drug use.
YRBSS – Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System – DASH/HealthyYouth
Guttmacher Institute: Adolescents
Teen Survey: What’s the Responsible Age for Smoking, Drinking, Sex?
National Survey of Student Engagement
Tennessee’s Adolescent and Young Adult Health Program
Mentally.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Tips for Teaching Mindfulness to Kids | Greater Good
If your kid has mentioned killing themselves, talked about wanting to die, discussed the lack of anything worth living for or any other reference to ending their life, call a mental health professional now. You need to have someone review the situation who knows what they are looking for. Don’t wait, the risk is too great.
The Jason Foundation, Inc.- Parents
When a parent dies by suicide…-CAMH
To Write Love on Her Arms > Home
Youth at Risk of Suicide – Welcome
Linda Patin is a local (Brentwood) therapist who has put together a comprehensive list of support groups for every type of issue
Listing of support groups from Linda Arbaugh-Patin’s Webpage
This site is a place to get support from others who are experiencing the same struggle as a patient or caregiver associated with a number of different medical issues.
Health and wellness support groups – Inspire
Here is the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting schedule for middle Tennessee
Teens and Sexting | Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project
Here is an example of a programmable phone where all the functions can be enabled or limited as you see fit. FINALLY!
IngentaConnect Exploring the relationship between children’s knowledge of text m…
Thumb Socks Order Form | Thumb Wars | Do Something
Cell Phone Sanity for Parents!
Here’s a wonderful, funny contract
Here is a really good cell phone contract by Josh Shipp
And then, there is this father’s solution
Here’s an example of what happens
Here is a review of a filter for Android devices.
Here software for filtering most mobile devices, and this one, and this one for Iphones, etc. You get the idea. Do some research and find the filtering software you have the most confidence in. The best $20 a year you can spend for this kind of peace of mind.
Most People Are Not Observant Video
9INE: A realistic look at teen pregnancy
Tobacco Facts – Spit and Chew Tobacco
Anti smoking site from Ontario
Now look what they found. It’s even worse than you thought.
Tourette Sundrome and Tic Disorder Stuff
Tourette Syndrome Association TSA Home Page
Tourette Syndrome Plus – Home Page
Regaining Control: Advances in Behavioral Therapy for Tourette Syndrome Offer Many Children An Alternative to medication. Nikhil Swaminathan. Monitor on Psychology, September, 2012, 44-47
Welcome to the Trichotillomania Learning Center
Beautiful video by a very talented young woman who also happens to have trich. Here is another video of hers that follows her from 16-21. Lovely and compelling.
Here is a web-based self-help program for kids with Trichotillomania that also has info for parents.
Nothing better on the net.
The Learning Lab – Brentwood, TN
Video game reviews
How video game developers hook kids on the games
Want to know the arguments for and against?
Another benefit of strategy games
YouTube – My 120 pound journey.
This is a GREAT article. It’s not as easy as people think, even after you’ve lost the weight you wanted to lose.